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#MozSummit A Life time Event>>!!! Hyderabad to SantaClara >>!!


            6 years of Dream , 6 Month of wait, 24hrs of Journey and we reached Capital of Software Sanfrancisco . It was still like dream to me and my friend +Raghu slapping each other to confirm its not a dream the excitement coming from heart is undefined. As Soon as we cleared port of entry we are received by the summit crew at Sanfrancisco International airport. Everyone is busy in Checkin on foursquare and moved  to shuttles . As soon as we came out of the airport we are cherished with cool breezing air and got into the bus. we started our journey to Santa Clara all the way the bus is moving through the beautiful silicon valley and everyone enjoyed clicking pictures of big software companies and that moment really  realized that we are at United States Of America .As Soon as we reached magnificent Marriott done with the registrations and we reached our Hifi rooms and had a nap.

     Soon Evening attended the  India Community Meet and followed by welcome reception where met many mozillains,Ft's of Mozilla and other open source Contributors. Meeting many individuals , Met people like Christian Helliman,Ken,Dino,Sean, List goes on.. Im failed to remember many of names . Im personally busy in clicking the pictures of the party.I was looking to the people there interaction,commitment, it was like inspiring me ,  For a moment gave thought on it and felt  nothing can be much better than this stage for Networking.

   Event Day 1 : Its Yellow Tee  from the welcome kit, With Same the  Enthusiasm and Excitement carried from 6months and finally I have seen my 1st  big stage keynote in live  with geeks and fellow mozillians. It was amazing talk by Mitchell Baker and Other Staff after the keynote and quick lunch it was World Fair. Countries representing their cultures and traditions and the way they are promoting Mozilla. Im proud to be part of Sean Bolton's World Fair Photo Shoot Team ,I went to each and every country booth and spent some time understanding the stuff and clicking the pictures.Soon after that I was been into some couple of talks like Marketing session from Sakina Groth (Marketing values from T-shirt to Social Media) and Privacy and Security sessions by couple of employees by Mozilla where I was been a volunteer (Site Host) at the sessions. our first day came to end with closing keynote and followed by Party Dinner.

  Event Day 2:  After a Great nap attended day 2 morning keynote later carried by the World Fair and the Breakout sessions then the Party Dinner. Day more comfortable with meeting friends around talking to each other sharing views etc.

  Event Day 3:  It was not digestible fact that it was last day of the event and last day of the memorable summit ,Don't may the this made us more Exciting to enjoy to core on last day , key note ,Lunch ,Networking ,pictures ,Closing party and its sendoff to the Summit,

Social Events : I need to speak about this ,I don't know the Ideation behind this but it was fantastic platform to meet new people,comfort ourselves ,relaxation, networking are part of it. I need to talk about few events aswell.

Photo Walk:   People crazy about pictures but when it comes to Photo walk across Silicon Valley nothing can be much better fight for as many pix as possible. Early morning witnessed the beauty of Silicon Valley and folks from different countries participated and everyone shouting ans screaming Hureey and Pix went on .>!!!

Pool Party : I must say this is out of schedule though im lucky to participate in this along with Srikar which was organized by Dino Anderson . The intention of the party is all about enlightening the values,positives , cultures and traditions .There 5-6 people joined us we discussed " How values are very important in corporate Life" the best part of the pool party is we have did this  pool in the Marriott.

Great America: No words to Say .. It was Fun,Scary,exciting,enthusiasm, eagerness, exhilaration, anticipation, enjoyment, pleasure, delight, interest, elation, ecstasy, joy, euphoria, jubilation, exultation, rapture, glee, bliss, happiness, cheerfulness, merriment, jollity, gaiety . Hahaha I can't find more than this Synonyms for Excitement..!!!  Seriously its boon or a gift pass from the mozilla for us to chill out evening. Fantastic roller coasters  ,Scary House and Scary Movie at Great America Theater. We had great and Great fun till late night on second day.

Bicycle Ride : Wow ,we came to know that there complimentary Bicycles ride for hour in Marriott, Ofcourse it was not in the official list but we took it & was like one of best moment for me and personally it was 6 years after I went for a Bicycle ride and the fact is its on American roads. Simply enjoyed the moment to the core.

Mozilla HQ Visit : Its another Surprise and very few people got a chance to visit Mozilla HQ at Mountain View ,CA. We were took into shuttle and as soon as entered to Mozilla HQ a employee(Forgot Name)

showed us the master piece of the office and Best part is I got a Idea to stick a message at Mitchell Desk and everyone followed me :) moved in and around office space and had lot of pix even. After a hour we started back to the Hotel.

          On the way it was one more surprise they took us to GOOGLE HQ even we were jumping on the road and took snaps again . Out of Excrement few ran to Google store near by. After 15 min back to pavilion (Hotel).

Site Host : Thanks to Benjamin for a wonderful opportunity for helping in out the things in Site Host. It was amazing Volunteering at the Summit helping the fellow Moizllians and helping the speakers to get the things done. Learned a lot in a short span.

Firefox Costume: Before the Summit the a mail pop out asking to schedule Firefox Costume . I thought its beautiful opportunity and booked the last slot of summit but unfortunately it has been cancelled. I missed though I always say myself lots of summit's ahead.

Sean's Photography Team: Last but the not the lease , and the 1st thing I signed to involve in Sean's Photography team or covering world innovation fairs.As per the plan I covered the pictures of world innovation fairs.I met him at the summit he was very down to earth person I can say.  I need to thank him for such a great opportunity.

Vote of Thanks : It will be meaning less if I wont thank the people behind my wonderful experience,List goes on but need to mention few for sure. Thanks Vineel,#SSSR,People behind #Mozsummit and Thanks Mozilla for everything.

 I cam't end up my experience with these short lines may be few more updations later on.. But I can say finally Love You Mozilla <3 <3 <3 .. 3 Cheers.. !!!

Wait begins for Next Summit>>!!!

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