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CVSR Firefox App Days || 23rd Aug,2014


Hello Open Source lovers,

This blog Post is about the 10-hour hackathon that was conducted at CVSR College Of Engineering. The event was attended by about 160 students and teachers of various institutions.

The event started at about 10:30 A.M. with a Jyothi Pradhan by the HOD, Faculty, Santosh Viswanatham, and a couple of students from the college. This was followed by Guru Mantra by 2 students. After that, there was a speech by the HOD.

After the speech, the event started with Santosh Viswanatham giving a brief introduction about Open Source and Mozilla. After the introduction, Vikas took over and spoke a bit more about Mozilla Community and how others can contribute to Mozilla. Then, Akshay took over and gave all the ideas some knowledge about Open source projects, HTML5 and Javascript. Then Aakash, one of the attendees was called to make a simple Hello World application. This was then shown in the Firefox OS Simulator by Akshay and Santosh Viswanatham. Then, Santosh Viswanatham showed everyone the manifest file that is required to publish the app into marketplace. Then after we had a cool Session of app-maker a web maker tool hosted by and  Sri Harsha. which played a key role for code haters.

Then we had our lunch session between 1:00-1:30. Then, in the second session, everyone started developing their own apps. Santosh Viswanatham announced that the best apps would get a surprise gift at the end of the session. This made the participants more enthusiastic. They were well mentored by all the Mozilla Mentors. Various videos of Mozilla, Open source, etc. were being played in the mean time for those who were not developing apps or working on anything due to some reason. The time kept passing by as everyone were enjoying developing an app.

At 6:00 P.M. , we had a short snacks break. Everyone were well fully engaged in their work that no one went to have some snacks. Meanwhile, represents from RedBull came to the venue and distributed RedBull to everyone. At 6:30, we started the demos of the apps that were developed that day. Most of the apps that the participants made were more than our expectations. All the apps were unique in their own way which made the environment more wonderful. Santosh Viswanatham was constantly giving advices to the app makers on how they can improve their apps. There were 17 teams in total who made 1 or 2 apps each. One of the teams made Fruit Ninja game for Firefox OS. Then, the HOD gave a closing speech in which he expressed his willingness to expand the Mozilla Club in the college. He was really impressed by the event and told that all the students, faculty and himself gained a lot of knowledge. Then, there was the most eagerly waited part of the event-The Prize Distribution. The 1st prize was won by the team-"Geek Studios", the 2nd prize was won by "QWERTY7" and the third was won by "Eureka 6"and "U" (the selectors were confused between these two apps as both of them were capable of winning the 3rd prize in their own way). Then, as a surprise for the Mozillians, the college awarded us a trophy! After this, we had a group photo and then by 8:00 P.M., we wrapped up everything and everyone started home.

P.S.:-It was one of the best Hackathon events ever. Inspite of shortening the program from 24 hours to 10 hours, the participants managed to build their app efficiently. We met a participant who sacrificed Android in his Moto G just for Firefox OS. The participants were really impressive which motivated us to do better.

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