Journey of Happiness...!!!
Though you travel a lot and explore lot but only few remains epic.
One of such for me is +Mozilla Firefox OS App Days.
Event provided with luxurious stay and travel for "Mozilla Reps" and more than that a awesome event through out the day. This hackathon is so special because it was a huge response from the developers community who attended in large numbers and participated and built some amazing quality apps for +FirefoxOS Mozilla .
Indeed event made us to meet other Reps of Mozilla across India and we shared our thoughts and experiences each other and it was a big community.
It was fun,
It was thrilling,
It was exciting,
It was awesome to be part of the event.
Personally after ages we ( +Chetan Anand , +sai kiran , +Srikar Ananthula (Me) , +srikanth namu ) ganged up a team and we worked on to build an app and named it as "Learn | Fun | Play" ,app specially targeted for Kids.
About the app "Learn | Fun | Play" :
- A digital slate which was inspired from the concept of Save paper and built a eco friendly kid's app.
Our team won a Firefox Developer Phone ..:)
Overall the event left us with some great memories.
Kudos to all Mozilla Reps especially +Vineel Reddy Pindi , +Galaxy Kadiyala , +Faisal Aziz , +Gauthamraj Elango , +Soumya Deb , +Ashish Namdev etc who all behind the success.
Now it's Mozilla Mania and we expect lots more to come in line.
Thanks to +sai kiran for this content..;)
Cheersssssssssssss !!!!!!!
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